Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Thomas Haugen, Lead Pastor, El Montecito Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara, CA

At the age of eighteen, under the starry, summer sky of North Carolina, at a Young Life camp called Windy Gap, I put my trust in Jesus Christ. I am a graduate of the University of Georgia (BA, Speech Communications,1994), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (MDiv, 1999), the University of Edinburgh (ThM, Homiletics, 2000), and Middlesex University (PhD, Homiletics, 2022). My introduction to ministry began with Young Life both as a volunteer and then with a full-time church partnership. My wife and I have served at churches in Zurich (Switzerland), Atlanta, and Boston’s North Shore. I met my wife, Lauri, while we were studying at Gordon-Conwell. She also has a MDiv and currently serves as the Assistant Pastor to Families right here at El Montecito Presbyterian Church. I am blessed to have a wife who shares a love for ministry! We have three amazingly, awesome daughters: Melia, Annie, and Jocelyn. 

From 2013-2019 I served as the Chaplain of Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. I have a PhD in homiletics through Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and The London School of Theology. I am passionate about relational ministry, pastoring and teaching God’s Word in a way that connects biblical truth to people’s lives. Currently I am serving the Lord as the Lead Pastor of El Montecito Presbyterian Church. It is a joy to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teach God’s Word, and serve the needs of the local and global community.


  1. What are some highs and lows you are facing right now in your life?
  2. Would you agree with the statement “A prayerless life is a prideful life?” Why or why not?
  3. How has Jesus replaced chaos with flourishing in your life?

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